The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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The BACKUP command copies one or more files from a fixed disk to a floppy
diskette. Before starting this command, make sure you have enough formatted
floppies to store all the information that will be copied. The command format
is as follows:
BACKUP d:[path][filename[.ext]] d:[/S][/M][/A][/D:mm-dd-yy]
The first parameter is the source fixed disk drive with optional path and
filename to copy. The second parameter is the target diskette drive followed
by one or more options (if desired). Global filename characters are allowed in
the filename and extension (see the help file GLOBALS). If the filename and
extension are omitted, all files in the directory specified by the path will be
backed up. If the path is omitted, the root directory is copied. All
subdirectories may be copied using the /S option (see below).
These options may follow the target drive specifier:
/S - Files in the specified directory as well as files in all subdirectories
starting at this directory are to be backed up.
/M - Only files that have been modified since the last backup should be backed
up this time. This option can be used to avoid backing up files that
never change.
/A - Backed up files should be added to the files already on the target
diskette. WARNING ** If this option is not specified, all existing
files will be erased from the diskette before the backup begins (you will
be warned by DOS).
/D: - Only files modified on or after the specified date will be backed up.
See the help file DATE for the correct format for specifying a date.
BACKUP C:\ A:/S - Backs up the entire fixed disk to drive A: erasing the
previously existing files on the diskette(s).
BACKUP *.* A:/M/A - Backs up only files that have been modified since the
last backup and adds them to the files already on the
diskette in drive A:
* BACKUP displays the name of each file as it is backed up. This output may be
sent to the printer using the techniques described in the help file REDIRECT,
or by using the Fn Echo key sequence as described in the help file KEYS.
* Hints about backups are included in the help file BACKUPS.
* Diskettes created by BACKUP MUST be copied to the fixed disk using RESTORE.